Lena Wood

Design Innovation, Research & Transformation 

Lena Wood is an Edmonton based researcher and service designer. She specialises in community transformation,  service design, social research, and speculative innovation. 


Community Transformation & Service Design
︎︎︎Area Lead

Service Design Practice Support

Overseeing the practice of service design through the guidance of practitioners, product teams, and the development of a cross-country design community.
Masters Thesis Project
Research, Speculative,
& Transformation Design

Mapping Glasgow: Transporting Futures

Exploring the impact of privatised buses on Glasgow communities, speculating future transformative solutions.

Research & Service Design

Community Integrated Care

Adapting NHS 24 to better address complex psycho-social needs of patients. 

Health, Research, & Service Design

Together for Cardiac Care

Bridging communication between care providers to improve  cardiovascular health detection in primary school.

Exhibition & Information design

Addictions Don’t Discriminate

The stories of six people who have experienced addiction, sharing their journeys to increase empathy and awareness.

Health & Service Design

Design to Save Lives

An educational toolkit targeting opioid users, and combating misinformation about naloxone administration.
Health & Information Design

Safe Opiod Use

Information and illustrations on how to safely use opioids during COVID-19. 

Exhibition Design

Exploring our European Values 

An secondary school collaborative exhibition exploring what it means to be a European citizen.

Copyright Lena Wood 2024